What we see, hear and love - we proclaim

Redeem your story

Here at Emmaus Lutheran Church, we know that everyone has a story. The beauty of the gospel is that no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it another ending. That's why we proclaim that we can not stop speaking about what we have seen and heard!

Current sermon series

The Cross over Compromise: A Series on 1 Corinthians
The city of Corinth was well-known in the Roman world. It was wealthy, well-educated, and influential. It was also a place filled with moral laxity, promiscuity, and religious pluralism. Living as Christian in Corinth meant being confronted with temptations to compromise from every side—spiritual, moral, intellectual, and practical. But as Paul writes to these Christians, he reminds them that there is one thing that shatters the wisdom and ways of the world: the cross of Jesus. As we consider Paul’s words to the Corinthians, God invites us to consider again what it means to live as people of the cross in a world of compromise.

Worship Times



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